Code Instruction

The present project is aimed to develop a computer program for solving a steady solution with different numerical method. The code being used for answering all the question here is written with Python language. This program is to run with simple command:

$ python

Before running this Python script, please make sure that you have also functions folder that contains pre-defined function for specific purpose use. The problem 1 and problem 2 have different sets of python scripts. However running the script is working in the same methodology.

Quick instruction for problem 1

To run the simulation, you only need to simply open the file named using editor for example, VI on unix system:

$ vi

You should be able to find the following line:

# maximum iterations
# For problem1-b, set nIters to 1
# For poroble1-c, set nIters big enough to run until it converge
nIters = 20

This is to set maximum iteration number. To run the steady-state linear equation, set it to 1 in order not to repeat redundant iteration.

# grid: i,j,k resolution
iDim = 20
jDim = 1
kDim = 1
# x: spatial dimension of cube
xmin = 0.0
xmax = 1.0
# Boundary condition
# Dirichlet BC:
phi_xLeft = 1
phi_xRight = 0

In this script, you will also find iDim for setting up grid size, and xmax for computational domain dimension. Here we are supposed to use Dirichlet boundary condition, so you should speicify the required \(\phi\) at left and right boundaries.

If you run the simulation with this script, you will see the following files in the same directory:

sayop@reynolds:~/data/GaTech-CourseWorks/ME-CFM/CFM01/src/pr1$ ls
dataOut.csv  functions  prob1Solution.png

dataOut.csv is the text file for having numerical solution and analytical solution. And prob1Solution.png is a automatically produced line plot for the solution comparison.

Quick instructions for problem 2

You will have following file and folder for the problem 2 and multi-grid:

$ sayop@reynolds:~/data/GaTech-CourseWorks/ME-CFM/CFM01/src/multigrid$ ls
$ cd /functions
$ ll
drwxrwxr-x 2 sayop sayop 4096 Feb 12 23:01 ./
drwxrwxr-x 3 sayop sayop 4096 Feb 12 23:35 ../
-rw-rw-r-- 1 sayop sayop  859 Feb 10 21:48
-rw-rw-r-- 1 sayop sayop 1176 Feb 10 21:56 exactSol.pyc
-rw-rw-r-- 1 sayop sayop  258 Feb 10 21:48
-rw-rw-r-- 1 sayop sayop  471 Feb 10 21:56 grid.pyc
-rw-rw-r-- 1 sayop sayop 3005 Feb 12 22:39
-rw-rw-r-- 1 sayop sayop 2582 Feb 12 22:39 multigrid.pyc
-rw-rw-r-- 1 sayop sayop 4016 Feb 11 02:03
-rw-rw-r-- 1 sayop sayop 3886 Feb 11 01:50
-rw-rw-r-- 1 sayop sayop 2701 Feb 11 02:04 numericalMethods.pyc
-rw-rw-r-- 1 sayop sayop 2105 Feb 10 21:48
-rw-rw-r-- 1 sayop sayop 2791 Feb 10 21:56 post.pyc

To run the second simulation with point-iterative method, Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel and SOR for example, you also need to open the file named as in /src/pr2/ directory:

$ vi

First user specified-inputs you will see in this file are:

# iSwitch for numerical method choice: 0-Jacobi, 1-Gauss-Seidel
iSwitch = 1
iMultiGrid = 1

Here, iSwitch is supposed to define which method you want to use. iSwitch=0 will allow you to use Jacobi. Or Set it to 1 to use Gauss-Seidel method and SOR method.

Followings are used for iteration controls:

# maximum iterations
nIters = 99999
# if residual rate comes below this criterion, the iteration will stop!
convergeCrit = 0.001

Set nIters big enough such that your simulation can go over the convergence point. convergeCrit is set to 0.001 as requested in the problem.

Followings are grid setup intpus:

# grid: i,j resolution
iDim = 40
jDim = 40
# x, y: spatial dimension of N^2 nodes
xmin = 0.0
xmax = 1.0
ymin = 0.0
ymax = 1.0

For the setup of SOR, you can specify \(\alpha\) from the following line:

# Relaxation coefficient for SOR: applies to Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel
relaxCoeff = 1.0